Stands are terrible things
saskia de rooy
Stands are terrible things. Boorish blocks, most often with as sole purpose to lift the sculpture out of the ordinary. Away from the table or the floor. A lift without beauty. Many sculptors feel this reluctance and take other options. Brancusi made his stands as the corps de ballet that would lift his solo piece; The Sculpture, into space. Exciting and refreshing to behold. Inspiring. Lovely. As I am not Brancusi, I go for another option, I like to use small tables. Made my me preferably, so I can choose the seize, and because I’ll be at Art Eindhoven soon I wanted some new ones that are easy to transport. Foldable. I was having a stagaire over for the first time, so I thought we’ll try some designing. But, hey, it went marvellous and at the end of the day we had a prototype finished! He was happy, I was happy and almost ready for Eindhoven (have to make 8 extra ones still). Art Eindhoven, nr 29, 13 and 14th of April. If you like to come, please let me know I have some tickets to give away!
Stand with a head