
Do you want to buy a sculpture, have a portrait made or do you need a sculpture but you are not sure what exactly? Do you need a custom-made project? I would love to hear from you and will react asap, this is in most cases the next day.

Calling is fast (please think of the time zone, I am in Amsterdam, CET); +31 (0)642350194

Have a lovely day! Saskia


Wil je een beeld kopen, een portret laten maken of heb je een beeld nodig maar weet je niet precies wat? Wil je een op maat gemaakt project? Ik hoor het graag en reageer zo snel mogelijk, dat is meestal morgen al.

Bellen gaat snel; +31(0)6423 501 94

Fijne dag gewenst! Saskia

Dorpsweg Ransdorp
Amsterdam, NH, 1028

art for life; sculpture that makes you wonder


Please vote for my work!

saskia de rooy

Dear guest, I have entered the Nationale Keramiek Prijs, the national Ceramics Prize and I would love to win the publics prize. I would also love to win the jury prize for sure but that is not in my or my fans hands.

Please vote for me!

It is for this sculpture. I entered with another sculpture as well, you might know it, it is the (Un)Abiding Portret I made in the USA. A more conceptual sculpture. You can find it when you’ve voted for the portrait of Jan Sierhuis.

Thank you so much!

Making of Jakoba Mulder

saskia de rooy

making of Jakoba Mulder sculpture

This portrait shown here is not the final portrait! I was not satisfied with it so I made one more. And then I still was not satisfied so I made one more. With this I am totally happy! You can go and see this sculpture in the Jakoba Mulderhuis, Amstelcampus, Rhijnspoorplein 2, 1091 GC Amsterdam. Enjoy!

Website revision

saskia de rooy

I am rearanging my site at the moment so it might be a bit messy. I hope to finish asap, please enjoy the changes!

Have a lovely day,


Three Graces in action in the Kröller-Müller museum

saskia de rooy

On October 28th the Kröller-Möller Museum was gifted an artwork, a needed addition to their collection, an unsolicited sculpture made by the Three Graces. These women are not just muzes or dancing naked women, they are artists. The Balloonman was blown into the world with their breath. It sorts with the current exhibition in the museum, ‘All Shows’, by Marinus Boezem (until november 14th). In the documentary that accompanies the exhibition Boezem says: ’Why would an artist make something on forehand when there is no demand for it?’. Because it needs to be made. And the value of pieces made without a pre existing demand is well known in this museum, that thrives partly on the collection of Van Gogh paintings, made by the artist without anyone wanting them but now fuelling a million euro industry.

 From the activity plan of the museum: ‘Also within contemporary art our preference goes to artists that work in the post-minimalistic and post-conceptual tradition.(…) The collection policy focusses on contemporary art and artists…’

Of course we invited director Pelsers of the museum to come over and receive the Balloonman. She did not want to come. Her secretary pointed out the steps we’d have to take. Send an email with an image of the piece and the director will decide if the work might fit the collection. We had not discussed anything and had just taken action. This was not according to the rules. Those rules are the same rules and mechanisms that maintain the majority of the collections in musea to be for the largest part works made by men.

She slipped the chance to experience this crazy art encounter, a meeting with women that are every day working in the arts, forming their oeuvre, even if this sculpture presented is highly conceptual and totally contemporary and fits the exhibition in her museum. Unfortunately she is just not interested in a group of women that pulls this stunt in her museum, this museum that is also their museum. She did not accept the gift.

The Balloonman is a call to director Pelsers to also take the works of women into consideration, pieces that are not in the collection now but are missed by the visitors. For all these works of men are fine for sure but they only show half a world of experience. This museum is also the place for women in the arts, not just as means of inspiration but also as makers. That is why we made and placed this sculpture here. In addition director Pelsers received a DIY Balloonman so that when the last air has escaped him, and he can no longer remind her of her task -to make the museum a place that fits all people- she can make him all anew. And perhaps, when she fulfills her job in an outstanding manner, he will turn up smiling.

The Three Graces are; Saskia de Rooy, Erna Kuik and Yelappa Visser.

The book is out! !!!

saskia de rooy

I am thrilled and happy and proud and so happy and proud and thrilled and grateful… The book of ‘(in)sight a portrait project’ is out!

You can buy it on Amazon…just look for Kimberly Redding or Saskia de Rooy…


Deeper (in)sights is about art, about curiosity, about being seen and acknowledging your fellow human being. You can buy it on Amazon (I just ordered and it is shipped to NL!). Wow. Enjoy.

(And it’s listed on Amazon as the #1 new release in Sculpture Appreciation!… So Happy!)


precious exhibition

saskia de rooy

Lovely atmosphere, beautiful works, inspiring, confronting, moving, painful, full of beauty. The artists are there to ask . This is the exhibition you really do not want to miss. My latest works will be here and I am pretty excited about them. Welcome!

NIeuw Dakota, Ms van Riemsdijkweg 41 B, 1033RC Amsterdam-Noord. Close to BROOD, where the ferry lands at the NDSM terrain.

IJKC POSTER #5_1.jpeg

Keti Koti

saskia de rooy

Today we celebrate Keti Koti , the end of slavery in NL, Breaking Of The Chains. Yes, that is worth a celebration, also to the white Dutch people.

One of the hardest things in a human lifetime is to admit that you are guilty, that you did something absolutely terrible, something totally unacceptable. To admit you did this, to live with yourself and to love yourself despite even this, needs an effort. Acceptance. Forgiveness. Often victims blame themselves for the terrible thing they endured. So to know you actually are guilty, you really did this terrible thing, makes it hard to accept yourself live with yourself. Apparently this goes for whole countries even.

We all know how good it feels when someone who treated us bad admits this, whole heartedly and apologises to then look you in the eye and ask how you are. So this seems a perfect idea.

That the end of slavery was there is reason to celebrate. I am very glad it is not considered normal to own another human being, by law. I am glad it is no longer allowed, by law, to cruelly punish the people that resisted this awful law. Now we can celebrate our humanity, we can cherish our ability to love, our talent to work together, to develop all talents everyone owns. The only way to continue together, with this history we share and the different parts we all played in it, now and then, is to see what happened, to acknowledge it and to mourn it. To mourn the cruelty in us and created by us. Then we can heal. And then we can live and celebrate life. Together, in a way that is enjoyable for everyone.

I Am Because You Are in Galerie Ransdorp

I Am Because You Are in Galerie Ransdorp

Lets open the blinds to wonder and imagine what can be.

saskia de rooy

One of the saddest solutions proposed by our politicians to reduce carbondioxide emissions and reduce use of fossil fuels is the idea to build more nuclear power plants. Kick the man in the butt to make him walk faster, so to speak. But the man needs a bicycle!

Of course mankind is able to find out ways to capture a little bit of the energy poured out on us every day by the sun, it is so much more than we need. We have made devices with which one can sit in a chair, kilometres high, watching TV, over the ocean, while one is raced to ones destination. We have designed small boxes with which we can talk to someone that is standing 1000 km away from us. Of course we can solve this problem! But we won’t do it without wonder, without curiosity, without imagination and fantasy. So get your pencils ready, excavate your carpenter tools and invent, play, discover! There is a solution, there are many. They are new and ready to be found!


Portrait of a long gone friend

saskia de rooy

Sometimes I get a question. Could you… Do you make… Is it possible to… At that moment I know this is about love. A commissioned portrait is always about love.

A three dimensional portrait is in its essence different from a two dimensional portrait. As we breathe, sense, touch with our body, we are our body. So a three dimensional portrait also speaks to your sense of touch. It wakes up another memory in your brain, is more complete. When someone passes my stall caressing the sculptures they pass I’m happy. It is the need to touch beauty. It has happened someone would not hand over the portrait I made of his father to his mother.

I like to see the model when I am given a portrait in commission. If this is not possible I work with photo’s. I make the portrait and when I am satisfied I ask the clients to come over to see it. When we are all happy with it, I let it dry and take all the steps to finish it. Colouring, firing several times, whatever needed. And if people have to shed a tear when they first see it I know I did well.

PS. Such a portrait will outlast a new pair of shoes. It will outlast a washing machine. It will even outlast a car.



saskia de rooy

The storm has blown over Galerie Ransdorp, it needs repair. And this is not possible at the moment because I have to glue somethings and even though it is a tiny gallery, it does not fit through the door into the house. So I have to wait for higher temperatures… At this moment you can take a good look at the website and order and pick up at the studio. And if there is a work you like not in the shop I can see if I have more ones that are alike. As I often work in series, this is very well possible. I have works already for € 10, to make lovely presents for birthdays and other festive occasions. They will be interesting a long time! I will try to put more pieces in the webshop, so you get more input on what I have. Enjoy!

Fed up with sexism; I can make my own

saskia de rooy

One of the main political parties in the Netherlands, the PvdA, now has a female front lady. Hopefully this will not make it loose votes. The other aspect of sexism at this time in history is that because I am a woman, my work is worth less than that of a man and it is taken less seriously. Perhaps this is the solution. You can find the pattern in the webshop. You need a plastic bag of a well known supermarket, pins and wool. A marker to copy, scissors to cut the parts out.

Yes, this is a cynical sculpture. No I am not against men, no, I am not against voluntary sex. Yes, I am happy to be a woman. But the deep-rooted sexism in our society with on top of it the ‘kut’ (cunt) everyone utters at every possible moment, wears me out. So with this no one can accuse me of a lack of anything, I can make as many as I want and I can even brag I have two!

Fed up with sexism; I can make my own

Fed up with sexism; I can make my own

Portrait of Mark Rutte

saskia de rooy

Who is this man that is our Prime Minister? I wondered about this in 2015. With this question in mind I made his portrait, I had no idea. For me, making a portrait is an intimate process. I try to capture someones soul by observing, looking for the being that moves the muscles.

After the clay part of the piece was finished, it was time for the next step. First I tried to make a peanut-butter glaze but as an artist luck is on your side in sometimes, and I did not succeed. Then I put a shining glaze on to be able to make the head mirroring with a silver luster.

Silver luster is a brown substance when you brush it on. The moment I did I could see something special was happening. At that moment the Black Pete / Zwarte Pieten/ Black-face discussion was working its way through the Netherlands, as it still is now, getting to the resolution slowly. When you cover a face in another color, you hide it, your identity opens up somehow.

Now, this portrait is a mirror. And this is right, after all these years, I still don’t have a clue who this person Mark Rutte is, what moves him, what makes him sing.

Mark Rutte

KunstSurprise December

saskia de rooy

This month of December the KunstSurprise has a special edition, you may choose the piece of art that goes in. The surprise is for the person who gets it.

Small pieces of ceramics, a lot of porcelain with an added zirkonia on some occasions. De eyes, hands, nose and ear you can hang, they go in the box with a ribbon. The Moon is to place on a table and the stairs-objects are to hang on the wall. € 11.-


Galerie Ransdorp

saskia de rooy

The Gallery is finished and I am so happy with it! So you’re invited to come and see some art in Ransdorp. Very close by there is another sculpture evoking new thoughts, the neighbour that breeds trotters recently got a sculpture garden. The gallery shows between 10 am and 8 pm and when you want to know more you can knock or clatter or clang the door of 117. When you know on forehand you’re coming, please let me know so I can make sure someone is in to help you. If you want to see how the gallery made it to Ransdorp, please check my Instagram.

Galerie Ransdorp

Nowhere near normal

saskia de rooy

The end is not in sight… Nowhere near… We are at our destination as it seems, at home. That is why I have been working at my mini gallery for the roadside. Here you’ll be able to see one or two sculptures on exhibition and you’ll be able to buy some pieces right away. The ‘Kunstsurprise’ or Art surprise, a box for € 11 with a tiny artwork in it and the Potato whistle for € 20.- plus some other pieces that make excellent gifts. I’ll be honoured to send it to the person who deserves it, for you. In the coming period more things that are on show on the Rembrandt Art Market will be in my shop. Now I’m off to my studio to get the gallery fixed! (You can see it happening on Instagram)

Street Gallery
Street Gallery inside

head in the sand

saskia de rooy

Sometimes you’re living in a phantasy… To be cruelly woken by a call of someone who would like to buy from your webshop to find out he can’t pay… Some things just scare me. So I postpone. And postpone and postpone. Today I pulled my head out of the sand and did what had to be done. Now you can actually buy from my webshop! Hurray!

In these times, when all exhibitions have been cancelled and we are at home, I invite everyone to have a nice look around on my website. If you find something that pleases you, that you would like to own, please feel free to call or mail or app.

If you like something very much but you’re worried about the price, we will find a way to deal with that. Enjoy!


Coming up in 2020:

saskia de rooy

January 28 and 29 januari; Roode Bioscoop, working live at music of Greetje Bijma and Joost Lijbaart or Kika Sprangers and Joost Lijbaart. An adventure! Come and enjoy! Theater de Roode Bioscoop; Haarlemmerplein 7, 1013HP Amsterdam, 020 6257500,

21 en 22 mei Goudse Keramiekdagen, Gouda

9 tot en met 30 juni Sexpo, Galerie H200 Groningen, on female sexuality

13 tot en met 21 juni Kunstschouw Zeeland, Tentebosch, Haamstede

15 en 16 juni Kölner Keramiker Markt, Cologne, Germany

30 augustus, åpen gård Frilund Gård, Bjørkelangen Norway

Wulf-like, sculpture of music by Wolfert Brederode and Joost Lijbaart

Wulf-like, sculpture of music by Wolfert Brederode and Joost Lijbaart