Herberg den Rooden Leeuw.
saskia de rooy
April 14, 2018
Showing a work is always nice. My work is made to evoke new thoughts or memories or feelings. Like when you walk in a forest you gen get into depths of your cranium that are a little dusty and filled with cobwebs.. Beautiful long lost images might linger there, waiting to be ushered awake. New cross-links might be formed that might cast their light on old unsolved matters. This is what my sculptures do for me when they are formed in my hands and they might do just the same for people watching them. In Amerongen you can see some of my works in a restaurant, herberg Den Rooden Leeuw. The host makes you a lovely dinner, served in a beautiful room. To make your time even better they take care of good art hanging on the walls and in other spots. You'll find my work in places you might have art at home. On a shelf, in a cupboard, where you can also find some glasses. Next to the place the bread is cut. I like this a lot. Art is part of life, of a household, just like coats and shoes. Whenever you find a moment you can go on a journey with the work.
Man and horse